The most common three dog breeds that are easily confused, carhartt coats, are the Collie, Border Collie and Shetland Sheepdog. While each is its own breed and has its own distinctions, they also have some similarities as well. The following information outlines the most common differences and similarities between these three dog breeds. Collies: Developed in Scotland to be a herding dog, a Collie comes in two varieties: rough coated (long haired) and smooth coated (short haired). They stand, carhartt coats, between 20-25 inches in height at the shoulders and males weigh 40-60 pounds, females weigh between 39-55 pounds when fully grown. The Collie breed dates back to the 17th century, they were used to keep herds of sheep together in groups. Collies are elegant and refined dogs, with a very regal appearance, they are calm and well mannered in temperament. Shetland Sheepdog: Also known as a Sheltie, a Shetland, carhartt coats, Sheepdog, is also referred to as a "miniature Collie," but this is untrue. Shelties are a very different breed altogether, though they look like a small version of a rough coated Collie. Shelties as a breed, date back to the 1800's, and originates from the Shetland Islands, carhartt coats, . They were used as a herding dog, but instead of sheep herding, the dogs were used to keep the sheep away from the crops on the farm, carhartt coats, . The Sheltie had the task of herding the sheep away from the fields and keeping them in the fold. Collies and Shelties were developed to be independent of one another. Though the Collie is one of the breeds that contributed to the bloodlines of a Sheltie. Shelties are never short coated and are much smaller in stature than a Collie. Shelties generally weigh around 15-25 pounds. A Sheltie has a much livelier personality than a Collie, which has a tendency to be subdued and refined in temperament. A Border Collie : Border Collies were supposed to be herding dogs in the border between, carhartt coats, England and, carhartt coats, Scotland. Border Collies are highly prized as herding dogs because of their unique ability to "fetch" a member of the herd who had wandered away. A Border Collie is thought to be the most intelligent of all dog breeds and are still being used on farms and ranches all over parts of Europe. The colors of a Border Collie are most often black and white, though, carhartt coats, other colors are possible. They are a medium-build dog weighing between 25-55 pounds and come in both rough and smooth coated varieties. A fairly easy way to tell the difference between a Border Collie from a Standard Collie is the hair. Even on a rough coated Collie, the hair is not as long and flowing as that of a Standard Collie. A Border, carhartt coats, Collie has a smaller, shorter nose and resembles an Australian Shepherd, more than a Standard Collie. Because of the high intelligence and working ability, a Border Collie needs to have a purpose, goal or job. If not, the breed tends to get bored and displays destructive behavior. The breed does perform quite well in the show ring and during agility competitions, these activities keep their minds stimulated and body active.
For more details on the Border Collie or for general dog information, please visit our site.
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