Monday, November 30, 2009

Consequence Of Powder Coatings

Author: ron victor


Powder coatings are a anatomy, carhartt coats, of coatings offered by altered manufacturers about the world. Coatings comes in altered types like metal coatings, covering coatings, barn attic coatings, accurate densifier coatings and pond basin coatings and so on. These kinds of coatings are supplied as per the claim of the barter or business humans about the world. Crumb coatings can be acclimated for avant-garde applications and for applications crumb coatings, carhartt coats, suits. Crumb coatings are activated using new techniques and added avant-garde technologies accept been innovated to, carhartt coats, action crumb coatings in a specialized manner.

With commendations to the assorted applications required, crumb coatings accept been activated using avant-garde technologies and process. Crumb coatings fetches added demands a part of the chump and ample amount of humans started using crumb coatings for their barrio and business places. Crumb, carhartt coats, coatings are supplied for aggressive and reasonable prices. The capital purpose of bartering crumb coatings is that humans should crumb coatings at affordable ante and aswell, carhartt coats, should account the, carhartt coats, casework at reasonable prices. Crumb coatings are said to be the best coatings and ample amount of humans are using the crumb coatings for their places.

Using assorted equipments and tools, crumb coatings are offered to the business humans at affordable prices. Accession of crumb coatings plays the ascendant role in crumb coatings. Applying crumb coatings does not affairs of, carhartt coats, any people, but able accession for crumb coatings makes the amount added purposeful. Generally, a lot of of the humans do not be acquainted of crumb coatings. Crumb coatings are annihilation but, it is action of applying coatings afterwards using any solvents. Crumb coatings are harder substances which are awful resistant, abiding and adjustable actual for the surface.

Powder coatings are admixture of pigments and crumb capacity and amuse the claim of the customer. Accession of crumb coatings should be fabricated using able technicians, installers and experts. There are the one who can aftermath bound crumb coatings for, carhartt coats, the surface. At the time of installation, able techniques and action should be followed and it can be fabricated able by technicians, installers and experts. Technicians or installers or experts are humans who acquire added ability and acquaintance in the acreage of altered kinds of coatings offered to the chump about the world.

Large amount of architect started bearing crumb coatings, afterwards alive the appeal a part of the chump and to amuse their claim in a competent process. Crumb coatings are supplied by added amount of manufacturers for affordable amount consideration. Humans demands for crumb coatings are that, the capital acumen is crumb coatings are durable, aggressive and adjustable substances. Instead of paints and added substances, crumb coatings are acclimated by the business humans and chump in altered states.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dog Care For Those Who Love Their Dogs

Author: alicata


Caring for your dog is very important an can only strengthen the bond between man and man's best friend. As an owner of a dog you'll be responsible for feeding, house breaking, grooming and cleaning, carhartt coats, your pet, You will also be the overseer of its overall health and well being. At the first sign of a dog ailment it is best to consult a veterinarian.

There are different kinds of foods that your dog will require at different stages of its life. At 3-4 weeks of age a puppy needs both solid food and their mothers milk. Solid food can be either a canned or a dry commercial product. Dry food should be soften in one of three ways, with water, puppy milk-replacement formula, or by mixing it with canned food, this will make it easier for your puppy to chew. Your puppy will also enjoy the semi-moist and plastic wrapped dog food. When choosing a product, carhartt coats, be sure that it contains the essential carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. You may also feed your puppy cooked eggs and cottage cheese, but be sure that the proportion of these foods are no more than 10-20% of the dried weight of the puppies diet. Avoid giving your dog table scrapes and large amounts of meat, if not they may develop a preference for them which may cause dietary imbalances and deficiencies. Be sure to provide your dog with fresh clean water at all times, carhartt coats, . Using a bowl that your pet will not tip over.

Housebreak your puppy as soon as possible. Make a note of how long it takes for your puppy, carhartt coats, to urinate or defecate after taking it's first water or food. When you've discovered a schedule and the prescribed time has elapsed. Take your puppy outside this way it will, carhartt coats, associate the outdoors with toilet function and will no longer soil the house or newspapers spread out around its living area.

Young puppies should not be groomed excessively. Once a day is sufficient, carhartt coats, to remove dirt or surface dust. Bathing your puppy is not recommended. Authorities believe that waiting until a puppies first birthday is best for conserving it's natural skin oils. Mud and deep dirt can be removed with a damp warm wash rag. Once your puppy has grown, you may wash your dog as often as necessary. However you must use a special shampoo, one that will not strip the natural oils from your dogs coat. Be sure to dry your dog throughly, carhartt coats, with a rough towel.

Grooming your dogs coat will prevent skin problems by keeping it free from fleas and ticks. The amount and kind, carhartt coats, of grooming, carhartt coats, of your dogs coat is determined by the dogs fur type, length, and the animals life style. Short coats will need less brushing or combing than those with longer fur. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors will need more frequent grooming than dogs that live indoors.

Remember, give your dog the TLC (tender loving care) it deserves. Taking the time to care for your dog will only enhance the relationship between you and your best friend.

A. Licata, freelance artist/writer of quality content and information for all who have an enthusiasm and love for dogs.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Importance Of Dog Coats In Choosing Your New Dogs' Breed

Author: Rebecca Prescott


Dogs are extremely popular pets all over the world, and with so many different breeds to choose from, it can, carhartt coats, be difficult to select the right one for your lifestyle. Although it may not be an immediate consideration, the type of coat, carhartt coats, your dog has can be an important factor. The various coat types - short, carhartt, carhartt coats, coats, haired, long haired, curly coated, and even hairless - will contribute differently to the time required to groom and care for your pet.

Choosing the right dog coat for you

The amount of time that you are able to dedicate to grooming your pet should determine the type of coat that you opt for. If, for instance, you are unable to really commit much time to grooming, you should choose a dog that has a short, close coat which doesn't need much in the way of maintenance and doesn't really shed significantly. If you are able to commit to regular grooming sessions, then you have more choice, as you can also go for dogs with longer coats that may need regular brushing and clipping to keep them in good condition.

It's important to keep up with your dog's grooming needs, whichever length of coat you choose. Regular grooming not only keeps the coat from becoming lackluster and matted, it minimizes the dog hair, carhartt coats, that may otherwise accumulate around your house. Whilst there will always be a little bit, even with low-shedding dogs, having a dog that sheds a lot, who isn't brushed regularly, is a recipe for a lot of dog hair on furniture and, carhartt coats, your clothes.

Another important issue when considering dog grooming and breed choice, is that a coat that is not properly cared for could potentially lead to skin conditions for your dog. His skin may become dry and itchy,, carhartt coats, and parasites and ticks may go unnoticed.

If you really want a dog with a high maintenance coat, but don't have the time or inclination to groom it regularly yourself,, carhartt coats, you might want to consider using one of the many local dog grooming services. A lot of them are mobile, and will come straight to your house. Just factor in the ongoing costs associated with using their services when you choose your pet. An advantage of using a professional is that they will generally use a flea shampoo, which saves you the trouble of applying flea powder.

What type of grooming is required for dogs?

Generally, there are two types every dog needs. The first is basic maintenance. This, carhartt coats, usually involves cleaning his teeth, brushing and combing his coat, clipping his toenails, checking his coat for any fleas, checking his skin for any lumps, rashes, or sores, and looking over his eyes and ears. How often this needs to be done varies with the breed, but you should aim for at least once a week.

Then, every couple of months for a short hair dog, or every 4 to 6 weeks for medium, long, curly, and wire coat dogs, more in depth grooming needs to be done. As well as checking for any fleas and parasites, you should apply flea treatments. Brush out the coat and remove any parts of it that are matted. Cutting these off is best, though more regular coat brushing can usually prevent the hair becoming matted.

Check his ears, eyes, teeth, and paws, as well as the skin. Bath him. Clip his nails. If you're styling his coat, give him this season's new look. And importantly, administer any eye drops, ear powder, and complete any dental work such as tooth scaling.

Although your dog's coat may not sound like an important factor in selecting a dog as a pet, it can play a big part in your decision. For, carhartt coats, instance,, carhartt coats, people that suffer from allergies will not fare well with a long haired dog that is a heavy shedder, as this can exacerbate the allergies. Instead, allergy sufferers can opt for a short haired dog that shed little hair over the course of the year, or even a hairless dog such as the, carhartt coats, Chinese Crested.

And people that live more extreme climates, either hot or cold, need to consider this when selecting a dog. A Siberian husky in the tropics is not a good match!

All dogs require a certain level of basic care and grooming. If you can't do this yourself, you'll need to be, carhartt coats, able to afford to hire someone else to do it for you. They type of coat your breed has will simply determine the frequency with which you need to do these tasks; but it will not eliminate them entirely.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nine Non-Shedding Dogs

Author: Neil Lemons


Bo Obama, the 6-month old Portuguese Water Dog recently adopted by the First Family, was selected in-part for his hypo-allergenic fur. Bo's adoption created new-found interest in a group of dogs known for their non-shedding fur. Following is a list of nine other non-shedding dogs and their basic characteristics.

1. Maltese - Maltese a dog in the toy group is a breed known for its long, white, fine fur. This coat is uncharacteristic of most non-shedding dogs that have course, curly hair. The Maltese coat requires regular grooming because of its tendency to matte.

2. Bedlington Terrier - Bedlington Terriers are bright, clownish characters that love their families and being the, carhartt, carhartt coats, coats, center of attention. Their coat is soft and requires little maintenance.

3. Irish Water Spaniel - The Irish Water Spaniel (IWS) is considered to be the clown of the spaniel family. Bred for accompanying bird hunters, the Irish water Spaniel has a dense, double coat. The inner coat consists of thick ringlets covered by the long and wavy outer coat. This coat requires brushing every 2-3 weeks and needs an all-over trim every few months.

4. Chinese Crested - The Chinese, carhartt coats, Crested comes in two varieties, the Powder Puff which has hair on its head, feet, and tail and the Hairless, which as the name suggests, has no hair. The Crested has soft, smooth skin that is more prone to irritation and sunburn. They are recommended by the American Kennel Club for people with dog allergies. They are alert and good with children.

5. Labradoodle, carhartt coats, - One of the most popular of the "designer breeds", the Labradoodle is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. The coat of these hybrid animals varies from animal to animal but generally those that most resemble Poodles are safe, carhartt coats, for allergy sufferers.

6. Schnauzer (Miniature, Standard, and Giant) - Schnauzers are energetic, intelligent dogs of the Terrier group. Although the, carhartt coats, three size varieties are unique and separate breeds, all are double-coated with a wiry topcoat and a soft undercoat. The topcoat can be maintained with regular clipper-trims or by a method called hand-stripping which helps to preserve the wiry-nature of the fur.

7. Poodle (Toy, Miniature, Standard) - Similar to Schnauzers, Poodles come in three size varieties. The dense, curly coat of all three sizes requires regular professional grooming. Poodles were originally bred to accompany hunters and still maintain that high activity level. As such, they need rigorous, daily exercise and intellectual stimulation.

8. Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier - The Soft Coated Wheaton, carhartt coats, Terrier is prized for its soft, wavy, wheat-colored, non-allergenic coat. The Wheaton coat requires minimal but regular maintenance. Wheaton's are less headstrong than most terrier breeds but they require daily exercise to maintain their role as an endearing family, carhartt coats, pet.

9. Bichon Frise - The Bichon Frise is a cheerful, sturdy little dog. It has a thick double coat that consists of a curly outer coat and a silky inner coat. The Bichons hair grows continually and he does not shed so he requires frequent brushing to prevent it from matting. While no dog is 100 percent hypoallergenic, all of the breeds listed above have non-shedding coats, which, carhartt coats, produce less skin dander, the cause of most allergies symptoms.

Neil Lemons is a pet lover and Online Journalist. He has had the privilege of owning several cats and dogs over the years, some living into their 90s (in dog years). For information on where you can buy gourmet all natural dog treats, check out, world authority on healthy animal treats for your dog, cat, or ferret.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Flat Roofs

Author: Naldo Camarones -


Flat roofs are a great way to keep a building safe from water. Knowing exactly what to do with a flat roof will ensure you have a working roof system that will last a long time.

Though, carhartt coats, they may look good, and are very, carhartt coats, common, flat roofs do require routine maintenance and detailed repair in order, carhartt coats, to effectively prevent water infiltration. If this is done correctly, youย'll be happy with your flat roof for a very long time.

Flat roofs arenย't as glamorous and/or popular as its newer counterparts, such as slate, tile, or copper roofs. However, they are just as important and require even more attention. In order to avoid throwing away money on short-term repairs, you should know exactly how flat roof systems are designed, the various types of flat roofs that are available, and the importance of routine inspection and maintenance.

A flat roof system works by providing a waterproof membrane over a building. It consists of one or more layers of hydrophobic materials that is placed over a structural deck with a vapor barrier that is typically placed between the deck and the roof membrane.

Flashing, or thin strips of material such as copper, intersect with the membrane and, carhartt coats, the other building components to prevent water infiltration. The water is then directed to drains, downspouts, and gutters by the roofย's slight pitch.

There are four most common types of flat roof systems. Listed in order of increasing durability and cost, they are: roll asphalt, single-ply membrane, multiple-ply or built-up, and flat-seamed metal. They can range anywhere from as low as $2 per square foot for roll asphalt or single-ply roofing that is applied over and existing roof, to $20 per square foot or more for new metal roofs.

Used since the 1890s, asphalt roll roofing generally consists of one layer of asphalt-saturated organic or fiberglass base felts that are applied over roof felt, carhartt coats, with nails and cold asphalt cement and usually covered with a granular mineral surface. The seams are typically, carhartt coats, covered over with a roofing compound. It can last about 10 years.

Single-ply membrane roofing is the newest type of roofing material. It is often used to replace multiple-ply roofs. 10 to 12 year warranties, carhartt coats, are typical, but proper installation, carhartt coats, is crucial and maintenance is still required.

Multiple-ply or built-up roofing, also known as BUR, is made of overlapping rolls of saturated or coated felts or mats that are interspersed with layers of bitumen and surfaced with a granular roofing sheet, ballast, or tile pavers that are used to protect the underlying materials from the weather. BURs are designed to last 10 to 30 years, which depends on the materials used.

Ballast, or aggregate, of crushed stone or water-worn gravel, carhartt coats, is embedded in a coating of asphalt or coal tar. Since the ballast or tile pavers cover the membrane, it makes inspecting and maintaining the seams of the roof difficult.

Lastly, flat-seamed roofs have been used since the 19 th century. Made from small pieces of sheet metal soldered flush at the joints, it can last many decades, carhartt coats, depending on the quality of the material, maintenance, and exposure to the elements.

Galvanized metal does require regular painting in order to avoid corrosion and split seams need to be resoldered. Other metal surfaces, such as copper, can become pitted and pinholed from acid raid and usually requires replacing. Today copper, lead-coated copper, and terne-coated stainless steel are favored as long-lasting flat roofs.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What is Silymarin? Discover It's Beneficial Health Properties

Author: Valerie Rosenbaum


Silymarin is a flavonoid found in the ripe seeds of the common milk thistle plant. In many areas, the plant is considered an invasive weed, but it is, carhartt coats, also a natural medicine. You have probably seen it growing on roadsides and in untended fields. It is a thorny plant with a lovely purple flower that attracts numerous butterflies during the spring and summer months, when it is in bloom.

It was used by traditional healers to treat cirrhosis, jaundice, and hepatitis, as well as gallbladder disease. It is currently a favorite adjunctive therapy for hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. Silibinin, another flavonoid found in milk thistle, is used to counter ingestion of poisonous mushrooms.

All flavonoids have antioxidant activity. Increased flavonoid intake is believed to help prevent heart disease and cancer, both due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. There may even be other methods of action not yet understood. One of the things that scientists are attempting to do is to explain “why”, carhartt coats, flavonoids and other antioxidants work as they do. Researchers have found that silymarin inhibits a variety of different processes that lead to carcinogenesis.

There are a number of different health supplements on the market that contain milk, carhartt coats, thistle extracts. But, the single-ingredient supplements are not likely to be beneficial. The compound is not readily absorbed into the bloodstream. Manufacturers can take steps to address this issue. They can add an enteric coating or include lecithin. Many manufacturers do neither.

The quality of herbal remedies varies greatly, which probably explains why many do not work as they are supposed to. But, when it comes to your long-term health, there, carhartt coats, is no way to know, carhartt coats, whether or not it’s working, until it’s too late. The best way to insure that you are getting the actual benefits is to choose a reliable supplement manufacturer.

One thing to look for is the silymarin content. This varies from extract to extract. The highest concentrations provide 85mg of silymarin per 100mg of extract. Another thing to look for is lecithin. It should be included in a 1:1 ratio. If there is 100mg of milk, carhartt coats, thistle in the product, there should be 100mg of lecithin.

The best manufacturers also include an enteric coating. These coatings protect some of the more delicate nutrients from stomach acid, as well as protecting the stomach from upset. These coating dissolve in the upper intestine where the nutrients can pass directly through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream.

Silymarin is a good choice for anyone that must take anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis. It is believed to lessen the damage that these drugs do to the liver. It also has natural anti-inflammatory activity, which, carhartt coats, may reduce a person’s need for pain medication.

There is evidence that the extract protects against kidney damage. It may be beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels in type II diabetes. When you, carhartt coats, look at everything, carhartt coats, that it can do, it may seem unusual, but there are dozens of other plants that have similar activity. Silymarin is a good ingredient for a multi-nutritional supplement, but it is not the only ingredient that we need.

Valerie Rosenbaum has spent several years researching anti aging vitamin supplements and natural skincare products. As a result of that effort she has found what she believes to be the best anti aging supplement available on the market today. Learn about what she discovered at her website

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Facility Manager's Guide to Preparing Painting Surfaces

Author: Steve A. Parker


Proper painting surface, carhartt coats, preparation is one of, carhartt coats, the most critical factors to getting high quality, carhartt coats, results. It doesn't matter whether the job is complete repainting of a 1,000,000 square foot warehouse complex or a simple touch up job in the gymnasium of a small elementary school. Proper surface prep sets the stage for success. Here are some tips for perfect surface prep that you can take care of, and a guide to the prep work that you should leave to your painting, carhartt coats, contractor.

Dry Painting Surface: You or Your Contractor

First and foremost, your painting surface should be dry. So long as safety permits, you can make life a lot easier for your painting contractor by drying the painting environment beforehand. Dehumidifiers, carhartt coats, and fans can be employed to speed air circulation. Mop up standing water if necessary to improve the safety of the project site.

Clean Painting Surface: You or Your Painting Contractor

Painting surfaces have to be thoroughly cleaned to ensure good paint adhesion. Your contractor will often include an estimate for prep work in a project bid. You may be able to perform some of the work and thus reduce the estimate; however, some tasks must be performed by a professional, carhartt coats, . Get rid of old flaky paint, sand down blisters and other imperfections.

IMPORTANT: You should consult with your painting contractor and determine if lead-based paints or other hazardous materials are present before cleaning the painting surface. If a hazardous material issue exists, the painting surface will need to be cleaned by a certified professional for safety reasons.

Sand or Blast Painting Surface: Your Painting Contractor

The actual sanding of the painting surface should be left to your painting contractor. Depending on the types of coating products that will be applied to the surface, the contractor may have specific manufacturer's recommendations for sanding. Plus most painting contractors hold to a high standard for surface prep because it is such a huge component of a quality job.

Prime Painting Surface: Your, carhartt coats, Painting Contractor

After the drying cleaning and sanding, the painting surface is ready to be primed. A primer coat acts as the foundation for the coating. All subsequent layers of paint depend on the adhesion between the primer and the bare surface. Most painting contractors will insist on applying the primer coat to ensure that it is properly done and capable of producing a good finished product.

For more information and advice on preparing a surface for painting and coating, please contact a professional painting company.

Steve Parker, Sr. Estimator. is the preferred painting contractor for building owners and facility managers of commercial and industrial properties nationwide. Call 877-724.3371 for a free Estimate and read our daily Blog.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Coat of Arms

Author: Trevor Dumbleton


One of the most enduring and beautiful pieces of family history
is the coat of arms. These stunning pieces of artwork recall the
days of chivalry and heraldry while they hearken back to ties to
the Old Country. For families who possess a coat of arms,, carhartt coats, it can
take a place of pride in the home. Designed to be displayed for
one and for all, these shield-shaped testaments to family
history are often adorned with beasts of the field and fanciful
creatures about their perimeter. They are truly the crowning
touch to any family name.

The coat of arms was originally used in the days of knights,
kings, and wars fought on horseback. Each knight would display a
particular design, image,, carhartt coats, or pattern on his shield to identify
himself amidst the anonymity of, carhartt coats, armor. Intended to inspire
troops, strike fear in the hearts, carhartt coats, of foes, and further the name
of the bearer, the coat of arms could tell the world which
knight performed which feat of arms amidst the din of battle.
Then, upon their return to the halls of their lord, they could
hang their shield by the door to inform all within which knights
assembled at any given time.

However, as old forms of warfare gave way to the musket, rifle,
and, carhartt coats, cannon, the coat of arms was not as necessary. Warfare
became a method of regiments, not men. Thus, the coat of arms
had become obsolete in many ways. However, knighthood was still
an honor conferred by the various crowns of Europe, just as it
is in Britain today. Thus, the coat of arms became simply a way
of showing that a family was possessed of honored members.

Even that changed, however, as the coat of arms simply became a
status symbol. Those with money could simply purchase a coat of
arms for display in their homes. No longer tied to any military
or governmental forms, it was simply a display of money. For
instance, we know that Shakespeare was rich because he purchased
a coat of arms for his family. Though this may be something of a
bastardization of its original, carhartt coats, intent, it meant that the coat of
arms could be available to everyone.

Now, there are numerous places from which one can find or
purchase their own coat of arms. Through web sites, stores, gift
shops, and stores dedicated to genealogy, one can either find
the heraldic emblem for one's particular name, or simply choose
from amongst a list of many. For those who are particularly
adventurous and artistic, you can even design your own!

No matter how you come across your particular coat of arms,
these intricate and beautiful designs can provide you with an
heirloom for your own family. Display it proudly on your front
door, place it above your mantelpiece, or just tuck it into a
sheaf, carhartt coats, of papers with the knowledge that you know it is yours.
Whatever, carhartt coats, you do with it, it can be an enjoyable little piece of
your history and your ever-living tie to the Old World from
whence your ancestors came.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Your Eye Secrets Report

Author: Dr. Dhavid Cooper


Eyewear consumers most often are concerned about:

1. Is there a trick behind the 50% off sale?

2. Are 'add-ons' like UV and scratch protection really worth it?

3. Is 'Buy one, Get one FREE' possible?

4. How do I know I'm getting the right frame for my prescription?

5. Why is there such a difference in price between optical stores?

6. Is there a difference in eyeglass lenses?

7. How do I know if I'm paying too much for my frame?


In this brief report we'll try and answer a few of these questions.


Let's use a common sense approach when evaluating this offer. It's not very likely a business would offer a product for less than their purchase price of the product. So when optical companies run 50% off sales one of two things is happening. They want to get rid of outdated merchandise or the product mark up is inflated to begin, carhartt coats, with. How else could, carhartt coats, they afford to discount the product 50% and still make any profit?

Most 50% OFF sales, carhartt coats, advertise discontinued frames. While this can save you money, be careful of being enticed to buy a product that is outdated. Replacing a broken temple piece or a broken discontinued frame can be difficult if not impossible.

Fifty percent off sales are also frequently on frames that have been marked up by 3 to 31/2 times their cost, and then reduced by 50 percent. So you end up paying almost regular retail on a frame that is advertised at 50% off.

Often on 50% off sales you will notice an offer that discounts the frame only if you purchase the 'premium' lenses.

THIS IS THE CATCH!! You WILL overpay for, carhartt coats, these lenses. They are often priced higher than regular lenses. So you think you're getting a good deal because the frame is half-priced. Shop around for lens prices in your area. You'll be better prepared when investigating the 50% off sale.

Be sure to read the fine print in the advertisements.

Stores, carhartt coats, that run 50% OFF sales 365 days a year are simply marking up product to reduce it. This is very misleading. You, carhartt coats, might even notice that some optical stores have 50% OFF as a permanent business practice.

There are less expensive and easier ways to save money and get real quality frames and lenses at a very affordable price.



This is an area of great profit for most optical companies, and is 'easy money'.

Many opticals give generous commissions and sales incentives to sales staff based solely on the number of tints,,, carhartt coats, carhartt coats, scratch coatings, ultra-violet protection, edge polishing and service agreements sold.

For little cost to them, the optical business can substantially increase the price of an eyeglass sale using 'add-ons.'

Add-ons can amount to over 30% of the cost of a pair of glasses, often giving the company excessive and outrageous profits.

Buy only the protective coatings that you need. Specialty lenses, like hi-index lenses and polycarbonate material automatically come with scratch protection and ultraviolet coatings from the manufacturer.

So you DON'T NEED TO PAY AN ADD-ON FEE to have these coatings added! They are already on the lenses!

Again, do not overpay. If your prescription requires hi-index or polycarbonate, carhartt coats, lenses, the lenses have ultraviolet and scratch protection coatings already impregnated in the lens.

Oftentimes, if pressed to make the sale, some optical companies will provide scratch protection, UV coating and edge polishing for half the price! Negotiate and insist on a discount.



In this promotion, while the second pair is advertised as, carhartt coats, FREE, the 'free frame' is not an identical one to the first frame of the purchase. The 'free frame' is usually one selected from a special collection in the store. These cheap frames cost the optical store about $2 to $4 each.

You are overcharged 'full' price for the first pair and told you get a second pair free, carhartt coats, .

The lenses used to fill the prescription in the free pair are often cheap, uncoated lenses. Is the optical giving away a free pair?

Not really!

The store makes money from this promotion by encouraging the consumer to purchase an 'add-on' package of coatings. These coatings are scratch protection, ultraviolet coating and a tint. A total for all three options may cost you from $29 to $59.

So the optical will make anywhere from $23 to $53 on your FREE pair!

In reality, you are overpaying for your first pair and getting a poor quality frame for the second pair.



The optical industry considers a 'cheap' frame to be one that costs the optical store, carhartt coats, anywhere from $1 to $7. Yes, believe it or not, there are imported eyeglass frames that cost as little as $1 which some optical stores sell for $39 to $99!

In many optical stores these frames are often found:

- in the 'Spare Pair' section

- with 'Buy One Get One FREE' promotions

- combined with a Contact Lens promotion

- with certain Vision Insurance Plans

- often advertised, '$79 Complete Pair of Glasses'.

The frames are usually made in the Far East of low grade material. They will often tarnish easily. Cheap frames won't stay in adjustment, the arm coatings will often chip, the screws will loosen and the frame will break easily.

Be very careful about spending your, carhartt coats, money on these frames.

Name brand or designer frames do not, carhartt coats, fall into this category. You can almost be assured that any well known designer name frame is made of superior quality material, will hold alignment longer and won't tarnish easily.



There are usually two components to any eyewear prescription.

You are, carhartt coats, either nearsighted, which means you can see at near but not at a distance, or farsighted, which means the opposite.

About 70% of eyeglass wearers also have some form of astigmatism. This simply means that the front part of the eye, the cornea, has 2 different curvatures (like a football). So lenses are designed with two different curves to compensate, carhartt coats, for the shape of the eye to correct the astigmatism.

Here's an example of an eyeglass, carhartt coats, prescription:

OD -3.00/-1.50 X 180

OS 2.50/-1.00 X 165

This is what it means.

OD is a latin abbreviation for the right eye.

OS is a latin abbreviation for the left eye.

The first number (-3.00 in the example) is called the sphere. This tells the optician what power to make the lens to correct the nearsightedness (-) or farsightedness ( ). In our example the right eye (OD) is nearsighted and the left eye (OS) is farsighted.

The numbers after the (/) refer to the amount of astigmatism. The (X) is an abbreviation for the word 'axis' and the numbers 180 and 165 indicate the placement in degrees of the astigmatic lens.


If your prescription is less than, carhartt coats, -2.50 or 2.50 almost any size and shape frame will be suitable for your prescription, carhartt coats, . You do not require hi-index or thin and light prescription lenses. Any frame with regular plastic lenses will have an acceptable edge thickness and should look cosmetically pleasing to you.

For prescriptions of -2.50 to -4.00 you should choose a frame with an eye size of 54 or less. The size is written on the inside arm of the frame. If you have to have a frame with a larger size because of style or, carhartt coats, face shape, then make sure you get hi-index, carhartt coats, or the thin and light lens. Otherwise, your lenses will have thick edges.

Do not choose a rimless frame if your prescription is over -2.50 unless you use a high index lens, or edge thickness of the lens will be a problem.

For prescriptions of -4.00 to -6.00 it is advisable to order your lenses in a hi-index material and to keep the frame size as small as possible. This will ensure that your glasses look the thinnest.

If you are unsure about which lenses are best suited for your prescription, or if you have a very difficult or high prescription call 1-800-248-9427 and ask for Lens Information and Assistance.

Trained personnel will, carhartt coats, help you understand your prescription and which lenses you should use. The service is FREE.



There are many single vision lens materials, but the most commonly used polymer is a plastic material known as CR-39. Because of its light weight, it is very, carhartt coats, comfortable and can be tinted almost any color and density.

However, certain manufacturers of CR-39 lenses produce a low quality and inferior product. Often, the lenses will be warped, causing 'soft spots' of, carhartt coats, poor vision throughout the lenses.

Manufacturers that create exceptionally high optical quality lenses, all of which can be ordered with a very effective scratch protection coating, are SEIKO, SILOR and SOLA.

Thin-plastic (hi-index) and light lenses are also available. The refractive index of this material is higher than regular plastic lenses. This means that a thinner lens can do the same job that a thicker lens would normally do. These lenses are about 35% thinner and lighter than regular plastic lenses.

Be aware, however, there are different grades and qualities of these lenses. The higher the refractive index, the thinner the lens.

The best quality hi-index lenses have a refractive index of 1.60 or 1.66. Some opticals still use lenses with a 1.54 refractive index, but charge the price of a 1.60 lens, because John Q. Public doesn't know the difference. If your prescription requires hi-index, carhartt coats, lenses, insist on 1.60 or 1.66 refractive hi-index lenses for best quality and thinnest lenses.

We, carhartt coats, recommend the following hi-index lenses:

- Silor Thin & Lite 1.60 refractive index

- Pentax THC 1.60 refractive index

- Pentax 1.66 Ultrathin with anti-reflective

- Seiko Super 16 MX

- Seiko Super 16 diacoat

- Optima Aspheric 1.66

- Optima Aspheric 1.60

- Optima Hyper 1.60

- Any Sola product

Another material, called Polycarbonate, is often marketed as a thin and light lens. It is softer than CR-39, may scratch and can't be tinted as dark as plastic lenses. It definitely is lighter and thinner than regular plastic. Many opticals promote this material over hi-index because it costs less, yet they often charge, carhartt coats, the same price as hi-index lenses.

Polycarbonate is extremely resistant to shattering, so it is recommended for children or persons needing safety eye protection. However, the newerhi-index lenses sometimes, carhartt coats, have superior optics compared to polycarbonate which occassionally has some peripheral distortion. If you are being sold a, carhartt coats, thinner and lighter lens, ask if it is polycarbonate or hi-index plastic.



If you need further assistance or have any questions please contact

Customer Service at 1-800-248-9427.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Applying Epoxy Coating to Garage Floors

Author: MJ Marks


I have been looking at, carhartt coats, a lot of different garage floors lately, and am really impressed with the Roll on Rock epoxy floor coatings. This floor system can give your dull concrete garage floor a new life, a floor with a great granite look finish. It comes in four different systems, most take about two days to fully apply, except System 4, which should only be professionally installed. But if you want a system to apply yourself, then you should go with System 2. System 2 is 95% solid epoxy base, so it works better,, carhartt coats, carhartt coats, than a water based base coat, it is easy to apply and does not need a primer, the odor is very mild and it is not flammable. Some important requirements that Versatile Building Products had in mind when they developed this system include: The epoxy does not bubble The epoxy adheres permanently to the concrete. It has a long chipping window for applying the flakes, so it gives you enough time to apply the epoxy and the flakes correctly before panic sets, carhartt coats, in. It uses about half the flakes for a great granite finish than most other systems, which saves money. Offers maximum protection regardless, carhartt coats, of the climate. Is hot tire resistant and not affected by most household chemicals. Has a high gloss top coat. Can be used inside or out, and will not yellow. Fast & easy to install! So,, carhartt coats, when it comes to an epoxy system, what does fast and easy mean? Normally, carhartt coats, full application takes two days since you have to allow for drying time between the base and top coats, though sometimes it can be done in one day if the weather, carhartt coats, is good and you use an accelerant on the base coat to speed up drying time. Lets take a look at the basics of applying Roll on Rock to garage floors. First, you have to clean the concrete using a degreaser to remove any surface contaminants, and then allow the surface to dry for about 30 to 60 minutes. Next, mix the two epoxy components for 2 minutes with a paint paddle. Evenly roll the primer onto garage floors with a lint free roller. Allow the epoxy to set for at least 20 minutes, but not longer than 60 minutes before broadcasting, carhartt coats, the chips. Using spiked shoes, walk onto the epoxy and taking small handfuls of flakes, cast it onto the surface so that it looks even, kind of like casting grass seeds. Let your garage floor, carhartt coats, , carhartt coats, dry overnight, then gather up any loose flakes using a squeegee, broom or blower. Then go over the entire surface with a flexible blade (squeegee) to make sure that the surface is smooth. The final coat is a fast drying Polyurea and is what makes garage floors resistant to hot tires. To apply the top coat, again mix the two components together for 2 minutes. Pour onto the floor and spread evenly using a roller, first roll one way till happy with the application, and then, within 10 minutes, finish by back rolling 90? across the first application. This makes sure the top coat has been applied at a uniform thickness. It is best to split the garage into four areas and work one area at a time. You have about 45 minutes to apply the top coat, so you shouldn't mix more than can be applied in that time period. Garage floors will dry to the touch in 2-5 hours, you can walk on it the next day, but should wait about 3 days before pulling your car into the garage. Roll on Rock is known for providing the toughest and shiniest floor available. Plus, you can get the granite flakes in a variety of colors, from tans to blacks to greens, blues and reds and many other combinations. There is no doubt about it, epoxy coated garage floors really stand out in any neighborhood.

MJ is a freelance writer for ClickShops Inc., where you can find a large variety of garage floors for your home at

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Bum's Jacket

Author: Slyvester Dudetown


I saw the dirty old, carhartt coats, jacket lying on the floor of the train and I knew, carhartt coats, I had to act fast. Time was a factor, and decisive action needed to be taken.

The Eastbound LRT was stopped, carhartt coats, at a station. I was standing in the area near the door when I saw a bum's jacket drop to the floor unbeknownst to him, then he made his way towards the exit.

Now I don't use the word bum here to be derogatory in any sense. I simply mean to say that he was a homeless man. I could tell by his limping gait, slumpy posture, tattered clothes, and the faint odour that trailed behind him. He was short, middle-aged, and had a scruffy beard.

The man clearly needed his jacket for the long Canadian winter months that lie ahead. Being a good samaritan,, carhartt coats, I retrieved it from the floor and called out: "Sir, you dropped your jacket". Note the use of "sir". It's a polite, carhartt coats, way of addressing a man older than yourself, bum or otherwise.

The man did not hear me, and made his way out the exit. I followed him to the door, his dirty old sport jacket in hand,, carhartt coats, with the intention of returning to him one of his only possessions.

I was confronted at the door by a large group of people trying to board the LRT, and standing in the doorway put me in their way. I was faced with a dilemma: should I get off at this stop and bring my coat to this man, possibly missing the train and being forced to wait for the next one? If I didn't make this kind gesture, the man would not be reunited with his precious jacket, and I would be consumed with guilt.

I think that, carhartt coats, if it were an attractive girl who dropped her coat I wouldn't hesitate to exit the train and return it to her in a somewhat heroic fashion. Maybe, after some awkward small talk I could work up the courage to ask her for her phone number. A few dates later we would then joke that fate led her to drop it, for had she not, we never would have met.

The reality of the situation was different. I was, carhartt coats, determined to return the jacket to its owner without disembarking from the LRT. From the doorway of the train I could see him stagger, carhartt coats, away, coatless, but I couldn't get his attention. It was then that it occurred, carhartt coats, to me: I could throw the jacket at him.

But maybe, I thought, there is some unwritten social code that says you shouldn't throw a person's jacket on the ground. The bum may not be aware that I picked the coat up off the floor of the train in the first place, and hadn't found it on, say, a seat instead.

Had it come to this? Was there no other alternative? I was playing out the potential scenarios, carhartt coats, in my mind. The man could become enraged by my actions and come towards me screaming, perhaps drunk, schizophrenic even, and flailing his, carhartt coats, arms about like some kind of damaged blender. "Just because I'm a dirty bum ya think ya can just throw my coat on the ground, huh, college boy? I'm a human being too! You can go to hell and die!!"

Curious onlookers would begin forming a semicircle around us, watching this angry man explode at me with rage. They would have no sympathy for me, especially those of whom saw me throw his coat on the ground. I would become the object of the collective scorn of my fellow passengers. While reasonable to myself, my actions would be difficult to explain in so short a time. They would think I'm some insensitive, classist jerk, who gets kicks from treating a desperate man like an animal. My heart would turn bitter and I would vow never to help a stranger again.

The commuters trying to board the train were clearly unaware of the severity of my situation. They had jobs to get to and I stood in their way.

My mind was made up. I crumpled his coat into a something of a ball shape to maximize its throwability. Then, carhartt coats, I launched it towards the man's feet, not directly, carhartt coats, at them, but close behind. "Here's your coat!" I yelled. The die was cast. My fate hung in the air, out of my hands, not unlike the grungy jacket. There is no going back now. What's done is done.

Hearing the "flomf" that a coat makes when it hits the ground, the bum turned around and picked it up, his eyes growing wide and thankful.

"Thank you!" he called out to me, a toothless, carhartt coats, grin on his withered face. I did the right thing.

I couldn't help but feel a little smug for the rest of the train ride. An elderly Asian woman who saw me pick up his coat and throw it gave me a smile of deep approval, seeming to share my belief that any man -- bum or otherwise -- deserves to have his dropped jacket returned to him in the manner most efficient, up to and including catapulting it in their general direction.

I felt proud to have explored the line of socioeconomic boundaries in interhuman protocol, and to have thrown a jacket across it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Kite Mobile Made From a Coat Hanger

Author: Ron Maier


This is an excellent, carhartt coats, way to let your, carhartt coats, child participate in the decoration of his or her room while at the same time having fun working, carhartt coats, on a creative crafts project!

All you will need for this project is probably already laying around your house. Find a wire coat hanger, some yarn, some colorful construction paper, glue, and decorating, carhartt coats, materials, such as paint, markers, crayons, stickers, glitter, etcetera.

Cut 6 diamond shapes out of the construction paper, it is fun to make, carhartt coats, them different colors, because each diamond represents a kite…and we want several different kites. You can make them different sizes as well to add variety, a good rule of thumb for the average size is five or six inches tall and three or four inches wide. Make them big enough to give your child room to create a masterpiece on each one!

Have your child spend time decorating each of the kites. To add variety, it is fun to have varying media used for the decoration, for example some might use crayons, a couple with paint, and one or two with glitter or stickers.

Once all the masterpieces are done, affix yarn to the bottom of each kite to represent its, carhartt coats, tail. Six inches or so will do, again it is fun to add some variety in lengths and colors. Stapling works just fine, although glue or tape will do as well.

Now, cut six bow shapes out of the construction paper to attach to the end of the tails. This can be made easier by cutting the shapes into a tuxedo bow-tie shape of two opposing triangles. Of course, carhartt coats, you can always spend the time to make them curvy and add as much detail as you want. Attach them to the end of the tails using staples, glue, or tape.

Now you can have your child attach the kites to the hanger. Again, varying lengths of yarn can be used for this purpose, however try to encourage your little one to space them along the hanger in a relatively even manner to ensure balance. This is not rocket science, it doesn’t have to be exact, just roughly balanced.

Now you are almost ready to hang the work of art. Have your child participate in the selection process of where to hang the mobile in his or her room. Once a suitable location has, carhartt coats, been agreed to (away from ceiling fans and the like), tie a piece of yarn to the hook of the hanger. This will allow the hanger to rotate freely and be a true mobile. Then, attach the top of the yarn to the ceiling, either by tying it to a hook, or using a stapler, thumb tack or push pin.

You now have a kite mobile! Add to the fun by spending time with your child making up stories about flying kites, or which make believe character each kite belongs to, or anything else that will stimulate the imagination. The possibilities are endless!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Are Turmeric Capsules Giving You an Upset Stomach?

Author: Andrea Marshall


Don't buy turmeric capsules until after you read this article. You could end up with an upset stomach, an empty wallet and no beneficial results, if you don't know what to look for. Here, you can learn how to choose a high quality, beneficial supplement.

According, carhartt coats, to the preliminary studies, which were conducted, carhartt coats, using cell cultures and laboratory animals, turmeric has anti-tumor, antioxidant, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory and anti-heart disease activity. That list makes it sound like a miracle drug. Clinical trials, with human volunteers, are currently underway. Researchers believe that it may be beneficial for preventing many diseases and may be used to treat everything from psoriasis to Alzheimer's and cancer.

News of these studies hits the media and supplement sales skyrocket. But, there are some facts that most people are unaware of.

First of all, when the laboratory studies are conducted, they apply the extract directly to the cell; inject it into the tumor or into an arthritic joint. They look at how the molecules of the extract react, carhartt coats, with inflammatory molecules, free radical molecules and blood platelets.

When it comes time to study the effect that the extract has in humans, the first step is to learn how or if it is absorbed into the bloodstream. When it came to studying turmeric capsules, researchers found that little, if any, makes it to the bloodstream.

The active component of turmeric is a compound called curcumin. Curcumin is responsible for the deep yellow or orange, carhartt coats, color of the root. Researchers found that after taking 10, carhartt coats, grams or 10,000mg of turmeric, little, if any, curcumin ended up in the bloodstream. The compound is unstable and is quickly degraded by stomach acid.

The turmeric capsules on the market contain between 200mg and 500mg of the extract. The veggie caps that most companies use will not protect the nutrient from stomach acid. While doses that high will not increase blood levels of curcumin, they will cause indigestion and heartburn. The solution is a tablet with an enteric coating.

Enteric coatings protect nutrients from stomach acid. Strict naturalists would say that eating the raw root is the best choice. But, if you are supplementing your diet, because of the scientific, carhartt coats, studies, then you have to see that the health benefits would never be realized, because the compounds in the root would never get to the bloodstream.

Stomach acid has a negative effect on many valuable nutrients. In addition, some nutrients are only readily absorbed if other nutrients are present. In order to insure absorption,, carhartt coats, turmeric capsules should have an enteric coating and piperine, from black pepper, should be included in the mix.

If you want to get the best value for your money, look for a supplement that contains basic vitamins, minerals and amino acids, as well, carhartt coats, as antioxidants like curcumin, resveratrol, piperine, catechins, reduced L-glutathione, lycopene and SAM-e. Single ingredient turmeric capsules are basically a waste of money. A multi-nutritional supplement is a good investment in your long term health. Hopefully, you'll make the right choice.

Andrea Marshall is a researcher of skin care and health supplement products. Visit her site now at to get the facts on how to choose the best products for your youthful and healthy life.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How to Groom a Miniature Schnauzer

Author: John P Jackson


The coat of a Miniature Schnauzer is a double coat, carhartt coats, with a brittle and wiry outer coating and a close, dense undercoat. The coat comes in three different color combinations; solid black, black and silver and salt and pepper. Any other coloring is not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). The outer coating gets wiry when it is hand stripped and this is required by the AKC, if the dog is to compete in the show ring. Hand stripping involved the physical removal of the dead hair from the coat. A wiry coated dog like the Miniature Schnauzer has hair that completes a cycle of growing out and then when it reaches a certain length, it begins to shed and fall out. Hand stripping helps to balance out the shedding and helps the new coat to fill in.

Hand stripping may be done by hand using your fingers or with a stripping knife you can purchase at a, carhartt, carhartt coats, coats, local pet store. The entire body needs to be stripped or plucked because the coat needs,, carhartt coats, carhartt coats, to be long enough so that the original texture is still viewable. If the coat is too soft or smooth, the dog will face being disqualified from shows. If the Miniature Schnauzer is not going to be shown, they can get a haircut with clippers, but if they are to be in a show ring, the AKC mandates them to be stripped to allow the hair to have the texture that is part of the breed standard. Hand stripping will also keep the natural color of the dogs hair, whereas clipping oftentimes makes it lose its original color.

When it comes time for grooming a Miniature Schnauzer, there is much more to it then simply brushing and hand stripping. Many owners of Miniature Schnauzers enjoy learning how to do this and doing it with their own dog is a great opportunity for bonding time. There is different equipment you need to purchase if you, carhartt coats, wish to groom the dog yourself.

Before your Miniature Schnauzer gets a bath, his hair will need to be brushed, carhartt coats, out with, carhartt coats, a pin brush to get rid of any snarls or knotting. Follow up the brushing with a line brush and then comb out to make certain the hair is smoothed out and free of snarls. You should also use a good quality dog shampoo on the dog, but it does need to be diluted with water. Always make certain that no shampoo gets into the eyes or mouth of the dog. Any shampoo that is not completely rinsed out can dry the skin and result in flaking. Make sure the hair is completely dried by squeezing out the extra water and brush the beard, legs and entire body. Once the coat is dry,, carhartt coats, it will be ready to be hand stripped or clipped depending on what you decide to do with your Miniature Schnauzer.

Clipping of the nails is another important part of the grooming process. Make sure you do not clip the nails too short or they may bleed. This is not only very painful for the dog, but will leave them with a negative impression towards future grooming sessions and can cause substantial problems. You may also want to clean out the outer portion of each ear as well. Often owners take their dog to the vet or a professional groomer for a complete ear cleaning and expression of the glands.

This Miniature Schnauzer article is a part of GreatDogSite, the web's best resource for dog information!

Monday, November 9, 2009

How to Resurface Your Porch Affordably With the Best Fuss-Free Solution

Author: Levi Horowitz


Are you considering resurfacing your porch?

What's making you think of resurfacing your porch? Is it cracked, split, exposed to harsh weather and mold formation? Is the leveling disturbed? If you say 'yes' to any one of, carhartt coats, the above, it's time you choose to resurface your porch.

Your choice: You can choose to lay an overlay on your porch which will take care of all your problems. Apply, carhartt coats, a thick decorative concrete coating of overlay on your porch and see the change it brings about.

You just need to be sure that the concrete coating you lay on your porch is resilient to harsh weather conditions and general wear and tear. Is it subject to grease or oil spills? Well, if you leave it in that condition, you're inviting trouble.

Get what's right for you: To increase its life as a reliable porch, you need to get a good decorative concrete coating product as an overlay. These days, you can choose from a wide variety of concrete coatings, depending on your need. From your research, you will come to know that not all concrete coating material is used for exterior use, some are better for withstanding harsh exposure areas such as a swimming pool deck, a driveway or a walkway. So, you will have to speak to a reliable person-say, a manufacturer or an installer-to guide you through, carhartt coats, the options and the right one for you.

How much should you spend? When you're out in the market for long-term service and quality, don't look too hard at the figures. After all, you've already got two benefits built-in to the price-service and quality. Having said that, expect to spend an average of $5 per square foot, depending on the kind of coating you decide to go with.

But if you decide to lay decorative concrete coating material with a beautiful pattern on the surface or use more than one coloring method, the price is sure to jack up. So, be careful when deciding.

Of course, the main reason to use an overlay system is, carhartt coats, to restore and beautify existing concrete. Determine the color, pattern and texture you want for your rejuvenated surface and then find a system that can achieve the look you desire. Consult with the overlay manufacturer and your installer for advice. Ask to see samples of various finishes and color selections as, carhartt coats, well as a portfolio of completed projects.

How much maintenance is required? Most decorative overlays, when coated with a protective sealer, are very, carhartt coats, resistant to stains, dirt and grease. Still, they will need occasional cleaning to look their best. Ask to have, carhartt coats, all cleaning and maintenance procedures and life-time performance expectations put down in writing before committing to a particular care regimen.

What should you opt for? As we said earlier, the market, carhartt coats, is overrun with products in this niche area. Still, it's not difficult to suggest, carhartt coats, a product that's proved itself in the market, and does this everyday. Quartzdek, known in discerning circles in the US, is manufactured in Gainesville and Stuart, Florida, and is known to be slip-resistant, and is tough on the effect of the sun, heat, rain and cold, not to mention mildew formation. This coating is also crack-resistant and is low on maintenance.

Quartzdek is the best among decorative coatings for concrete, wood or any kind of flooring. Best for concrete resurfacing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Introduction to Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings

Author: Jacob Christopher


Garages are not given much importance when it comes to home improvement. Many homeowners treat it as a wasteland. But if you wish, this place can become a delightful place to spend your leisure time or to store your valuable possessions. But if you see most of, carhartt coats, the homeowners store their prized automobiles and ATV's in these places. You can keep your garage clean and tidy by installing garage floor coatings. This will protect and look great in your garage. Garage floor coatings are available in many colors; you can also add flaking materials to give it a classier look. These can extend the life of your garage floor and can be cleaned easily. Auto shop keepers,, carhartt coats, carhartt coats, are primary users of this product. Several types of garage floor coatings are available in the market, most popular being epoxy based paints. The four types of garage floor coatings are Epoxy, polyurethane, acrylic sealer and latex.

Epoxy garage floor coatings are highly durable, lasts for many years and can make your garage look good and valuable too. These are resistant to stains, corrosions and cracks. The durability of epoxy floor coatings depends on the way it is applied on the floor. You can install it on your own or hire a professional. The first step is clean the floor properly. The floor should be free from dirt and debris so that paint can be applied properly on the floor. Before deciding to apply garage floor paint, apply a concrete solution so that the paint can stick to the concrete better. Before, carhartt coats, applying the epoxy paint, it would be better if you put a coat of primer on the floor. The primer will make it easy to apply the epoxy paint. For more durability, if you put two to three coatings of epoxy paint in your garage floor, it will, carhartt coats, look nice for many years. Maintenance work is not much. But do clean and wash it at regular intervals. If not, the paint will stick on the floor and cannot be removed easily. Another drawback is that it can turn yellowish in color when exposed to sunlight. Temperature is also considered when applying the paint. Before parking your vehicle wait for at least, carhartt, carhartt coats, coats, 24-48 hours.

Latex is considered the cheapest option when compared to epoxy and polyurethane. Polyurethane won't become yellowish in color when exposed to sunlight. The finished result is durable and has a very high gloss. Before applying polyurethane, apply a coat of epoxy primer on the floor so that it bonds well.

Jacob is an expert author, who is presently working on the site Acrylic coatings. He has written many articles in various topics. For more information about garage floor coatings, visit our site

Saturday, November 7, 2009

How To Refinish A Vinyl Or Tile Foor Using Floor Finish

Author: Lee Harris


The following procedure is for reapplying coats to an already finished floor or applying finish to a new floor. When finishing, carhartt coats, a new floor always follow the manufacturers recommendations for prepping the, carhartt coats, floor. You should always consult the flooring, carhartt coats, manufacturer on the types of finishes that are suited to your floor. When finishing any floor we recommend, carhartt coats, that you use a quality floor finish that is correctly matched to your flooring. Our online floor finishing procedures are the general guidelines for finishing a floor. These days floor finish has become the alternative to old fashioned waxes. Floor finish can give a floor a great long lasting shine without the problems of conventional waxes.
Make sure that your floor has been prepared for finishing. Clean the floor removing as much dirt and debris as possible. If the floor has more than 5 coats of finish we recommend stripping the floor first. Too many layers of finish can dull a floor. Over time floor finish can yellow in color, if you, carhartt coats, see any yellowing on the floor we also recommend that you strip the floor first.
After the floor has been prepared, vacuum or dust mop the floor to remove any dust. We recommend that you spray your dust mop with dust mop treatment to, carhartt coats, remove as much dust as possible. Make sure to remove anything stuck to the floor, anything that is on the floor when you finish it will become part of the floor finish and you will have to strip your floor and begin again.
Make sure that the floor are you are, carhartt coats, finishing does not and will not have traffic moving through it for at least 12 - 24 hours depending on the type of finish, carhartt coats, that your are applying (see floor finish manufacturers specifications for curing and drying time). Use warning signs to make sure the area where you are finishing is marked out so that everyone is aware of the area.
Finishing a floor requires the use of two mop buckets. One bucket will be used to keep the finish mop damp and the other will be used to apply the floor finish. Line the floor finish bucket with a clear trash can liner so that you can dispose of the finish easily after the job is complete.
Fill one mop bucket 1/2 way up with water and the lined mop bucket 1/4 full with floor finish. Dip your finish mop into the water bucket and wring until the mop is damp and water does not drip from the end. Next, dip the damp mop into the floor finish and wring until the, carhartt coats, finish mop does not drip.
The best way to finish floors is to divide the floor into sections to assure that an even amount of floor finish is applied everywhere. Begin applying the floor finish at the furthest corner from the entrance. Apply floor finish to the baseboard area first (a block applicator can be a great tool for this job) working away from the corner. Make sure the floor finish is going on to the floor in a thin even coat.
After you have applied floor finish to the baseboard move on to the open areas of the floor. Move the mop head in a figure eight motion overlapping mopping sections by about an inch.
After you have applied the finish evenly to the entire area, let the floor dry. The floor should look glossy with no raised areas or drip marks. Follow the floor, carhartt coats, finish manufacturers recommendations, carhartt coats, for drying time. Depending on the floor finish you may wish to apply more than one coat of floor finish, if so, let the floor dry in between coats. You may also want to buff the floor in between coats so that the second coat adheres better, carhartt coats, to the first coat.
To maintain the new look of the floor finish you can burnish with a burnishing floor pad, again see the manufacturers recommendations for maintenance on your floor.
After 12 hours your floor should be fully cured. Floor traffic can now resume.
Great cleaning tips and cleaning information by Lee Harris can be found at Lee Harris is an expert in the cleaning industry and can answer all your questions about Floor finish and floor care products.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Good Shih Tzu Bathing Techniques Are Essential For Healthy Coats And Skin

Author: Connie Limon


Agood bathing address is capital for befitting your Shih Tzu's hair in acceptable appearance and befitting derma problems at a minimum. A lot of Shih Tzu owners say they accept derma problems. This is a botheration I accept, carhartt coats, not encountered a lot in my actuality with the Shih Tzu. However, it does appear added in some bloodlines. Follow the instructions in this commodity and you should accept no botheration in befitting a nice smelling and apple-pie Shih Tzu in your attendance at all times.

Gather calm aggregate that is bare afore you alpha to ablution your Shih Tzu. This is consistently handier than accepting to run actuality and there acquisition up your food and accoutrement already the action begins.

The aboriginal ablution you accord your Shih Tzu may be traumatic. It absolutely is best to adjournment bathing Shih Tzu puppies until they are at atomic 3 months old. For the aboriginal ablution you ability try using a babyish bowl, dishpan or the kitchen bore rather than the bathtub. Consistently be abiding the baptize is neither too algid or to hot. Shih Tzu puppies acknowledge berserk sometimes to either extreme. Be accurate your Shih Tzu puppy does not jump or, carhartt coats, jerk out of your hands. If the temperature of baptize is "just right," there will be beneath adventitious of the Shih Tzu puppy fluctuant out of your hands. Use a, carhartt coats, balmy absterge abnormally formulated for dogs that is "tearless." Regular babyish absterge can be used. I accept never had a botheration with dry derma if I acclimated babyish shampoo. It is just harder to bathe out. Absterge formulated abnormally for dogs and puppies is usually easier to bathe out. I do like using Fluffy Puppy absterge for puppies and even on the faces of my, carhartt coats, earlier Shih Tzu because it is tearless.

Pouring baptize acclaim over your Shih Tzu puppy in the kitchen sink, a babyish basin or dishpan is abundant beneath alarming, carhartt coats, than using a top powered sprayer. Already your Shih, carhartt coats, Tzu puppy is use to his bath, you can try using the aerosol adapter which is abundant bigger and faster at accepting out all the shampoo. You can aswell use a gallon milk jug (when it is abandoned and rinsed out of course) to aboriginal cascade baptize over the puppy. Afterwards getting washed, the Shih Tzu puppy accept to be broiled off absolutely afore getting accustomed alfresco again.

An earlier Shih Tzu can be done in, carhartt coats, the bathtub using a battery attachment, carhartt coats, . Place a elastic mat in the basal of the tub to accommodate close basement, carhartt coats, just as you would for yourself. Your best of absterge and, carhartt coats, conditioner depends aloft the blazon of covering your Shih Tzu has. Avoid using animal absterge on your Shih Tzu. I accept acclimated Pantene, but like the babyish shampoo, it is harder to bathe out of the hair and I just don't like the way it leaves the Shih Tzu's hair searching dull. Abounding Shih Tzu are allergic to animal shampoo. I accept begin them to be "itchy" afterwards a ablution with animal shampoo. I switched over absolutely to shampoos abnormally formulated for dogs. Some animal shampoos accept been accepted to covering anniversary hair and body up afterwards use, which is apparently what causes the itching. There are so abounding absolutely acceptable brands of dog absterge on the bazaar these days; there is absolutely no acceptable acumen to use animal absterge on your Shih Tzu. In summertime it is a acceptable abstraction to use a absterge to action adjoin fleas.

Be able to get splashed as your Shih Tzu gets earlier in the bath. Either abrasion admonishment aprons fabricated abnormally for this action or blanket a ample anhydrate about you.

If you are abashed you ability get baptize in the aerial of your Shih Tzu, bung the aerial with affection afore alpha the bath. Accepting baptize in the aerial can could cause ear infections.

Really wet down the hair of a Shih Tzu acceptable afore applying the shampoo. Cascade the absterge down the average of the Shih Tzu's back. As it runs down anniversary ancillary plan it into the hair with a binding movement of the fingers. Do not rub or massage. The covering is added apt to become circuitous with abrading, carhartt coats, movements. The best way to get the cleanest hair is to acclaim clasp the absterge through the hair absolutely alive, carhartt coats, up a thick, acceptable lather. You will charge to cascade a little added absterge on anniversary leg and foot, the tail, chest and abdomen areas. Lift your Shih Tzu up by the foreground legs to absterge the abdomen and afresh ablution the chest. Ablution the arch and face endure using the tearless shampoo, carhartt coats, .

If you are bathing a actual bedraggled Shih Tzu, you will charge bathe absolutely able-bodied and echo the process, afresh bathe absolutely acceptable again.

A acceptable animal hair dryer works acquisition for the Shih Tzu. Brush the hair while alarming dehydration in adjustment to accomplish the hair straight.